Monday, September 19, 2016

Shoulder Workout for Muscle Growth

Workout for Bigger Deltoids (Shoulders)

If you want to increase the size of your shoulder muscles (deltoids), or want to build a strong foundation for strong shoulders this is the workout for you!! Grab two very light dumbbells or plates (I'm talking 2.5lbs or 5lbs) and you're good to go.

  • x10-12 lateral raises
  • x10-15 rear delt lateral raises (bend your torso forward so you're using your rear deltoids)
  • x15 shoulder presses/overhead presses
  • x10-12 front raises each arm
Repeat for a total of five sets. . . if this isn't enough increase rep or set amount. Take minimal breaks in between. To increase difficulty don't take any breaks.

Lateral Raise

Rear Delt Raise/Fly
Overhead Press

 Front Raise

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