At Home Glute Workout
- x10 fire hydrants each side
- x10 heels to sky each side
- x10 diagonal leg lifts each side
- x10 glute bridges
If this isn't difficult enough try adding ankle weights for more resistance or increase the number of reps and/or sets!
Examples of each exercise:
Fire hydrants
Heels to sky
Glute bridge
*I couldn't find a diagram of diagonal leg lifts but here's a description:
Begin on hands and knees, tabletop position. Extend one leg straight behind you with your toes touching the floor. Move your foot so your leg is extending out from your hip at a diagonal. Lift your leg, keeping it straight, as high as you can without moving from table top. Squeeze your glutes then lower leg back to the floor. That counts as one rep. Begin the rest of the reps with your leg on a diagonal.
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