Monday, September 19, 2016

Shoulder Workout for Muscle Growth

Workout for Bigger Deltoids (Shoulders)

If you want to increase the size of your shoulder muscles (deltoids), or want to build a strong foundation for strong shoulders this is the workout for you!! Grab two very light dumbbells or plates (I'm talking 2.5lbs or 5lbs) and you're good to go.

  • x10-12 lateral raises
  • x10-15 rear delt lateral raises (bend your torso forward so you're using your rear deltoids)
  • x15 shoulder presses/overhead presses
  • x10-12 front raises each arm
Repeat for a total of five sets. . . if this isn't enough increase rep or set amount. Take minimal breaks in between. To increase difficulty don't take any breaks.

Lateral Raise

Rear Delt Raise/Fly
Overhead Press

 Front Raise

Lightweight Glute Workout

Dumbbell Glute/Hamstring Workout

This workout is designed to be done in a small space with limited equipment. All that's needed is a single dumbbell. Start out with whatever weight you feel comfortable with and as you progress, move up to a heavier dumbbell! 10lb dumbbells are perfect for a beginner. Small plates are great for this too (as long as you can hold them!).

  • x10 Single leg deadlifts, each side (hold dumbbell in opposite hand as the leg you're standing on)
  • x20 Sumo squats (can hold the dumbbell up by your chest or down with arms straight)
  • x10 Glute bridges, holding the dumbbell on top of your hips
  • x10 Single leg glute bridges each side (dumbbell optional)
Repeat 3 or 4 times, or until failure

For single leg deadlifts, keep your standing leg straight and bend forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstring. Then, use your glutes and hamstrings to pull yourself up. Go slow so momentum doesn't do the work for you!
For sumo squats, squeeze your glutes from the bottom of the squat all the way up to the top. The slower you go the more difficult the exercise.
To make glute bridges harder, move your feet further apart.
*If you are unfamiliar with any of these exercises, feel free to look them up! Google and YouTube are great resources for visuals on good form.

Bodyweight Glute Workout

At Home Glute Workout

  • x10 fire hydrants each side
  • x10 heels to sky each side
  • x10 diagonal leg lifts each side
  • x10 glute bridges
Repeat sequence 4 more times for a total of 5 times all the way through.
If this isn't difficult enough try adding ankle weights for more resistance or increase the number of reps and/or sets!

Examples of each exercise:

Fire hydrants

Heels to sky

Glute bridge
*I couldn't find a diagram of diagonal leg lifts but here's a description:
Begin on hands and knees, tabletop position. Extend one leg straight behind you with your toes touching the floor. Move your foot so your leg is extending out from your hip at a diagonal. Lift your leg, keeping it straight, as high as you can without moving from table top. Squeeze your glutes then lower leg back to the floor. That counts as one rep. Begin the rest of the reps with your leg on a diagonal.